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Nutrient deficiency symptoms
Micronutrient deficiencies in soil not only limit the horticultural crop production but it also has negative effects on human nutrition and health. Indian soils are generally deficient in zinc and boron, dry lands, calcareous and alkaline soils show extensive iron deficiency and in specific areas copper, molybdenum and manganese deficiencies are causing severe decline in yields of crops.Chloride toxicities are reported generally from many horticultural areas using poor quality water. A wide range of concepts and approaches need to come together if we are to succeed in solving this problem. Both high-input intensive horticulture and low-input horticulture need to evolve based on agroecological principles. In broad terms, high-input horticulture should aim at becoming more eco-efficient, and low-input horticulture needs to increase in productivity while retaining high efficiency of input use. This project address core issues of micronutrient deficiencies in horticultural crops, specific crop related micronutrient related disorders and attempts to find solutions that are farmer’s friendly, environmentally safe and economically feasible. 


  • To delineate district wise crop boundary based micronutrient deficiency maps of important horticultural crops for location based addressing of the problem.
  • To address crop specific micronutrient disorders of important horticultural crops (Bitter pit of apple, bronzing and wilt of guava, malformation in mango, aril browning and decline in pomegranate, arecanut YLD, decline in citrus etc. BER in solanacious crops, hollow heart of cole crops, poor seed formation in cucurbits and melons, fruit cracking in both fruits and vegetables etc.).
  • To develop novel Rapid diagnosis methods for bulk sample testing of micronutrient deficiencies (Zn, Fe and B)
  • To identify physiological and morphological root traits for efficient acquisition of micronutrients under adverse conditions (Including rootstocks and varieties).
  • To exploit soil-microbial and micronutrient interactions for efficient mobilization and acquisition of micronutrients.
  • To develop management methods for production of micronutrient dense fruits and vegetables.
  • To develop crop and region specific soil and foliar nutrient formulations.
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